ZUTTO journal

Life maintenance


scientific name Lepidium meyenii

It is a perennial plant of the Brassicaceae family, and its roots are used as medicinal herbs.It is so nutritious that it has been popular as a source of stamina since ancient times.Traditionally, it has been used as a nourishing tonic.


scientific name Calendula officinalis.

It is a general term for plants cultivated as flowers in the genus Calendula of the Asteraceae family.
It is a kind of herb that is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin.These components are carotenoids found in the macula of the retina of the eye and are thought to prevent light-induced oxidation and prevent oxidative damage.


scientific name Corchorus olitorius L.

It is a green-yellow vegetable traditionally eaten in Egypt and is an annual herb of the Tiliaceae family.
It tastes good and is also called the king of vegetables, and is rich in vitamins and minerals.
It also contains abundant dietary fiber such as mucin, so it is recommended for those who are concerned about bowel movements.

Moromi vinegar

British Moromi Vinegar

Made from awamori mash, it is rich in citric acid and amino acids.It has little acidity and is suitable for drinking as it is.
In recent years, it has become popular as a health food.In addition, citric acid decomposes lactic acid, which is a fatigue substance, so it is used habitually as it is good for recovery from fatigue.